George Orwell’s Anti-Utopian Reality in the 1984 Novel

This novel highlights how militarism can destroy individual and community life. In addition, other writers such as Stephen Crane and Ernest Hemingway also made major contributions to 20th century military literature. Crane wrote the novel The Red Badge of Courage (1895), which tells the story of the struggle of an American soldier in the American Civil War. Hemingway, meanwhile, wrote the novel A Farewell to Arms (1929) which is about an Italian soldier involved in World War I. Both novels provide an in-depth look at how military battles and conflicts affect individuals and society as a whole. Orwell uses his story to highlight how systems can force people to think and act in unethical ways. He also emphasized the importance of freedom of thought and action, and how it can be lost when one is trapped in the wrong system. This book also reminds us of how easy it is for humans to adapt to unfair situations, even though they know it is wrong.

Winston Smith Character Analysis

He is also responsible for monitoring the activities of those around him and reporting anything suspicious to the government. In addition, Winston also had to face strict control from the Top Party, namely the ruling political party in Oceania. This party oversees every aspect of the life of the people of Oceania and strives to ensure that everyone abides by their rules. They also use state-of-the-art technology to monitor people’s activities and ensure that no one goes against their rules. The Ministry of Truth strives to create a more just and inclusive environment in the district. They do this by promoting values ​​such as justice, equality and human rights. They also teach the political elite’s mantra to ensure that everyone is given an equal opportunity to participate in the political process. In this way, they hope to eliminate past injustices and build a better future for everyone in the district. He wrote about his secrets, his hatred of the Party and its government, and also about his love for Julia. This is her way of conveying her feelings without fear of bullying or intimidation. he retains information about what he saw and heard. The protagonist must ensure that all the information he writes will not be revealed to anyone. This can be done by using a password to protect documents, hiding files in hidden folders, or using encryption software to protect data. The protagonist must also ensure that they leave no digital footprints that can be used to track them down. This can be done by deleting browsing history, cookies, and temporary files after each browsing session.


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Tom Parsons Character Analysis

Tom Parsons is a character in George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984.” He serves as a symbol of the common man who unquestioningly accepts the oppressive ideology of the Party and embodies the dangers of conformity and complacency.

Tom Parsons is a loyal and obedient Party member who adheres to its principles without question. He epitomizes the concept of “doublethink,” the ability to accept two contradictory beliefs simultaneously. Despite experiencing the harsh reality of the Party’s control, he remains steadfast in his loyalty.

2. Naivety: Parsons is portrayed as somewhat naive and oblivious to the oppressive nature of the Party. He genuinely believes in the Party’s propaganda and is dedicated to its cause, even when it goes against his own interests. This naivety makes him a tragic figure, as he is a victim of the system he supports.

3. Fearful: Tom Parsons is constantly fearful of the Thought Police, a secret police force that monitors and punishes dissent. His anxiety and paranoia showcase the pervasive atmosphere of fear in Oceania, where even loyal Party members are not exempt from persecution.

4. Lack of Critical Thinking: Parsons lacks the ability or inclination to think critically about the Party’s doctrines. He accepts the slogans and propaganda at face value, demonstrating the dangers of a society that suppresses independent thought and critical analysis.

5. Betrayal by his Children: In a particularly poignant scene, Parsons is betrayed by his own children, who report him to the Thought Police for allegedly committing thoughtcrime. This event underscores the destructive impact of the Party on family ties and the willingness of individuals to sacrifice even their loved ones for the sake of ideological purity.

6. Physical Appearance: Orwell describes Parsons as a “dumpy man” with a “proletarian stumpiness.” His physical characteristics contribute to his portrayal as an ordinary, unremarkable member of society—a deliberate choice to emphasize the Party’s control over the masses.

Mr. Character Analysis Charrington

Mr. Charrington is a seemingly friendly and affable old man who runs an antique shop where Winston Smith, the protagonist, purchases a diary. However, as the story progresses, it is revealed that Mr. Charrington is not what he appears to be.

Character Traits:

  1. Deceptive: Mr. Charrington is initially presented as a harmless and amiable character, but he later turns out to be deceptive. He is not just a quaint shopkeeper; he is revealed to be a member of the Thought Police.

  2. Symbol of Betrayal: The revelation about Mr. Charrington’s true identity underscores the theme of betrayal in “1984.” His character serves as a reminder that trust is a rare commodity in the dystopian world depicted in the novel.

  3. Agent of the Party: Mr. Charrington’s role as a member of the Thought Police emphasizes the pervasive surveillance and control exercised by the Party. His presence in the story highlights the oppressive nature of the government and its ability to infiltrate even seemingly innocent aspects of people’s lives.

  4. Irony: Orwell uses Mr. Charrington’s character to highlight the ironic nature of the society depicted in “1984.” The antique shop, filled with old artifacts, gives an illusion of a connection to the past, but in reality, it’s a tool used by the Party to manipulate and control history.

  5. Foreshadowing: The character of Mr. Charrington is an example of Orwell’s use of foreshadowing. His presence in the early part of the story hints at the dangers that Winston will face later on, adding a layer of suspense to the narrative.

In summary, Mr. Charrington is a multifaceted character in “1984” who serves as a symbol of the deceptive and oppressive nature of the Party. His character contributes to the overall atmosphere of paranoia and distrust that permeates the novel.


Oceania’s government controls every aspect of its citizens’ lives, including education, employment, and the media. They also use technology to monitor the activities of their citizens. Oceanians were taught to hate and fear their country’s enemies – Eurasia and Eastasia – who differed from them ideologically. They were also forced to follow the Unique Party ideology promoted by their older brother. Smith and Julia try to keep their relationship a secret. They met in hidden places, such as parks or dungeons. They also use codes to communicate by mail. Smith helps Julia with her work in the Party and helps her avoid Party surveillance. Although Smith and Julia struggled to stay together, they were eventually separated by the Party. Smith is arrested by the Thought Police for suspected political crimes and Julia is forced to marry another Party member. Even though they could never be together again, Smith still felt his love for her until the end of his life.

The pair were caught and put on trial, but they managed to escape punishment in the end. They realized that the revolutionary movement they had joined was useless, and they decided to continue their lives in a simpler way. The government has successfully used violence and threats to force Winston and Julia to change their views. This is an example of how governments can use psychological pressure to force people to do things they don’t want to do. The government had also succeeded in destroying the relationship between Winston and Julia, which was one effective way of ensuring that they would never work together again.

Full summary.


In 1984, Oceania was at war with two states: Eurasia and Eastasia. This war started as a cold war between Oceania and Eurasia, but then became more complex when Eastasia joined the battle.

This war involved airstrikes, ground assaults, sabotage and propaganda that attempted to break the loyalty of the citizens of Oceania to their government. Oceania’s governments also use repressive techniques to ensure that their citizens remain loyal to them. This includes tight control of the media and political activity, as well as the use of the secret police to keep tabs on those believed to be siding with the enemy.

The control exercised by Oceania is one of the most extreme forms of dictatorship. They use technology to monitor every movement and conversation of their citizens, and control the information they receive. They also use propaganda to sway people’s views and make them believe that what the Party says is true.

In addition, Oceania also uses physical and psychological violence to suppress its people. This control has had a devastating effect on the people of Oceania. Its people were subject to injustice and illiberty, had no right to have an opinion or voice, and lived in constant fear of the Party’s repression. This has damaged the relationships between individuals in society, making them more withdrawn and less willing to interact with others.

The control exercised by Oceania is a clear example of how dangerous dictatorships are and the right of any institution or personality to exercise control over others. This provides important lessons about the importance of democracy and human rights, and the need to fight against all forms of oppression. Oceanians have no choice but to follow their country. They had to follow the orders and policies laid down by the Party, and if they broke the rules, they would be punished. It’s a very strict and rigid system, and Oceanians have little choice but to follow it.

Mind control through Newspeak focuses on removing words that imply criticism or freedom. These words are replaced by simpler phrases that do not have the same meaning. For example, the word “freedom” is replaced by “grief”. This makes it difficult for people to express their ideas explicitly, limiting their ability to think critically about political issues. In addition, Newspeak also uses other techniques to control people’s minds, such as using prefixes and suffixes to form new words that are not recognized by other people.

This makes people feel confused and don’t know how to respond to certain situations. Mind control through Newspeak is one of Oceania’s ways to control its people. By depriving them of their capacity for critical thinking and free expression, the ruling party can ensure that its people remain loyal to its ideology. That said, while Newspeak has been successful in this regard in the past, it will never truly replace Oldspeak – plain English – as the main language in Oceania.

They also change history, making people forget about the past and making them believe that the government is the best. The government also improves technology to monitor society and supervise every movement made by citizens. This includes the ubiquitous use of CCTV cameras, electronic surveillance systems, and the use of biometric technology to track people. In this way, the government can easily control society and ensure that no one dares to go against their rule. This shows that truth is not something static, but can change depending on the context and situation.