How to write article reviews

Article reviews can also help writers improve the quality of their work by providing useful feedback. Article review is a process of evaluating and analyzing scientific work carried out by experts in certain fields. The aim is to assess the originality, validity, relevance and contribution of a work to the discipline of study. This process usually involves reading and discussing the original text, as well as assessing the methods used by the author to achieve his goals. Article reviews can also help writers improve the quality of their work by providing useful feedback. An article review is an analysis and evaluation written about an article. It focuses on the themes, arguments and contributions made by the authors. When writing an article review, you should read the article carefully and note the key points you want to discuss. After that, you should evaluate how the authors have made their arguments and whether they have been successful or not. You should also provide feedback on how this article contributes to a particular field of study. Finally, you should conclude your review by providing suggestions for improvement or other follow-up.

What is Article Review

It also includes drawing up conclusions and recommendations. Professionally written work usually has several sections, including introduction, background, methodology, results and discussion. The introduction contains the purpose of the essay and provides an overview of the topics discussed. The background explains the reasons why this topic is important to research. The methodology describes how the research was conducted and the data used. The results contain the findings obtained through research. The discussion contains an analysis of the findings and how they contribute to the field of knowledge concerned. Professional written work should also include a summary, conclusions and recommendations for the future. You must use relevant quotes to support your argument. You should also include information about the research methods used, results, and findings. If applicable, you should also include how these findings can be applied in the real world. In addition, you should discuss the limitations of the research and provide suggestions for further research. Writing is the process of using symbols, words, and phrases to convey information and ideas. This involves using the right language, the right structure, and the right style for a particular purpose. Writing also involves critical and analytical thinking to ensure that the message is conveyed correctly.


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Review type

“Article Review” is a genre of text that highlights the main aspects and impressions of reading a scientific article. The main purpose of such a review is to evaluate the idea, methods and results of the research. Usually, it includes a brief overview of the content, identification of key aspects, analysis of methods and author’s conclusions. It is important to note the strengths and weaknesses of the article, to indicate the novelty of the research and its possible prospects. Article Review helps readers get a general idea of the significance of the article and its contribution to the relevant scientific field.

Journal Article Reviews

A review of a journal article should highlight important aspects of the publication, such as the theory contributed, the methods used, and the results. The author of the paper must provide an objective and impartial review. They should also identify the publication’s weaknesses and strengths and offer suggestions for further development.

Article Research Review

The review of journal articles includes a critical analysis of the research methods used, the results obtained, and the conclusions drawn. It differs from retrospective in that it is more about gathering information on a particular issue or topic and analyzing it to make decisions or recommendations. Retrospection also involves evaluating historical data to understand how the problem has developed over time.

Science Article Reviews

Review of scientific articles usually includes a brief description of the themes, methods, results and conclusions made by the author. It will also include a critical review of how the publication contributes to the field of knowledge in question. Scholarly article reviews will also provide an overview of how this publication relates to other publications in the same field. Scientific article reviews help researchers to understand and evaluate the information available in their field. It also allows them to identify the strengths and weaknesses of certain publications and make comparisons between various publications. As such, scientific article reviews can be used to assist researchers to develop new ideas or new theories, or to refine old theories. Scientific article reviews can also be used as a tool to gain insight into a particular topic and see how others have investigated the issue.

Formatting article reviews

The article format must include the title, author’s name, publication date, and source. If you use quotes in your article, be sure to include information about the original source. Also make sure to include proper citations using the citation style suggested by your professor. The article format must also have a summary or abstract that contains brief information about the main topic and purpose of the article review. This summary should contain several important points that will be reviewed in the article review. When you are finished with the format of the article, be sure to check it carefully to ensure that all information entered is true and accurate. Don’t forget to attach it back to your professor before turning in the assignment.

How many publications should you review?

  • In what format should you cite your article (MLA, APA, Asa, Chicago, etc.)?
  • How long is your review?
  • Should you include a summary, critique, or personal opinion in your assignment?
  • Do you need to pay attention to the central theme or idea in the article?
  • Does your instructor need background information?

MLA Format: Entries must be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one line space. Margins should be 1 inch around each side. The first paragraph should begin with a 0.5 inch indent. The title of the article must be written above the text and italicized. The use of direct and indirect quotations must be accompanied by quotation marks and the source. The use of punctuation must comply with Enhanced Spelling (EYD). APA Format: Entries must be written in 12-point Times New Roman, with one line space. Margins should be 1 inch around each side. The first paragraph should start without indentation. The title of the article must be written above the text and in bold. The use of direct and indirect quotations must be accompanied by quotation marks and the source, which also includes access date information if referring to online sources. The use of punctuation must comply with Enhanced Spelling (EYD).

1. Read the article carefully. Make sure you understand the gist of what the author is saying. If you’re not sure, re-read certain sections and make sure you get the point. 2. Make a note of the key points you want to cover in your review. This will help you write reviews more easily and efficiently later. Also note relevant quotes or examples to support your argument. 1. Define the purpose of your review. Do you want to evaluate the quality of an article, discuss a theme covered, or provide an overview? 2. Find out which type of organization best fits your goals. Some examples of paper organization include: chronological, topic-to-topic, analytical, and more. 3. Choose the structure you will use to structure your review. It can be a well-organized bulleted list or long paragraphs. 4. Make a table of contents to help readers find the information they are looking for quickly and easily.

  • Summarize the article – look for the main points, ideas, claims, and general information presented in the article.
  • Determine positive points – Identify strong aspects, ideas, and insightful observations the author has made.
  • Find gaps – determine whether the author has any contradictions, gaps, or inconsistencies in the article and evaluates whether or not he or she uses sufficient arguments and information to support his ideas.
  • Identify unanswered questions – Finally, identify if there are any questions left unanswered after reading the work.

Pre-writing process

Outline and Template

Make a table of contents outlining your outline. After that, create sub-headings for each section of your outline. This will help you organize the information you’ve read and make it easier to follow. This will help you organize your ideas and write a better review. 1. Title: The title must describe the content of the article and attract the reader’s interest. 2. Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of the topic being discussed and explain why the topic is important. 3. Body: The body of the article should contain detailed information on the topic covered, including facts, examples, and expert opinion. 4. Conclusion: The conclusion should make a logical conclusion from the information presented in the body of the article and suggest a follow-up or action that is relevant to the reader. 5. References: References must be included for all sources of information used in the article, including books, journals, websites and more.

  • Pre-Title Page : Here, you will want to include the type of article you are reviewing, title of publication, all contributing authors, author affiliations (position, department, institute, city, country ID)
  • Optional Correspondence Author Details : name, address, telephone number, email, and fax number.
  • Running head : Only in APA format. This is the title of your paper shortened to less than 40 characters.
  • Page Summary : Optional, depending on your instructor’s demands. The summary must be a maximum of 800 words. Use non-technical and direct language. Do not repeat text verbatim or provide references in this section. Give 1) Relevant background 2) Explain why the work was done 3) summarize the results and explain the method.
  • Page Title : Full title, 250-word abstract followed by “Keyword:” and 4-6 keywords.
  • introduction
  • Body : Include title and subtitle
  • Works cited/referenced
  • Suggested reading pages are optional
  • Legendary tables and figures (If instructed by the professor.)