How to cite research papers using the MLA format

The MLA format is one of the most commonly used formatting styles for citing sources in research papers. This format has clear rules for how you should write your title, author name, year of publication, and more. Here are some tips to help you cite research papers correctly using the MLA format: 1. Make sure to cite the author and the year of publication whenever you cite a source. This is important for providing readers with accurate information about the origin of the information you use in your paper. 2. Use quotation marks (“ ”) around the title of an article or book when you cite it. If the title is too long, use short snippets that still accurately describe the content.

3. If you use a paragraph from a source, be sure to indent 1 inch from the left margin and use quotation marks (“ ”) around the text. Also be sure to provide the page number where the paragraph originates if the source is a printed book or magazine. 4. After mentioning the name of the author and the year of publication, write the title of the article or book where the source originates in italics. Don’t forget to include page numbers if the source is a printed book or magazine. 5. After that, write the name of the editor if there is one and the place of publication and date of publication if this information is available in the original source. 6. Done! You are now ready to move on to the next part of your research paper!

What is the MLA format?

MLA (Modern Language Association) format is a set of guidelines for writing and documenting research papers in the fields of humanities and liberal arts. It provides a standardized way to format academic papers and cite sources. The guidelines cover various aspects of the paper, including the structure, in-text citations, and the Works Cited page.

Here are some key elements of MLA format:

Margins and Page Numbers:

  • Use one-inch margins on all sides of the paper.
  • Page numbers should be placed in the top right corner of each page, one-half inch from the top and flush with the right margin.

Font and Font Size:

  • Use a legible font such as Times New Roman.
  • The font size should be 12 points.

Line Spacing:

  • Double-space the entire document, including the Works Cited page.


  • Center the title at the top of the first page.
  • Do not bold, italicize, or underline the title.
  • Use standard capitalization (capitalize the first and last words of the title and all major words in between).


  • Include a header on each page, including your last name and the page number. The header should be one-half inch from the top of the page and flush with the right margin.

In-Text Citations:

  • Use parenthetical citations within the text to acknowledge the source of information.
  • Include the author’s last name and the page number (if applicable) in parentheses.

It’s important to note that these are just some of the basic guidelines, and there may be additional rules depending on the type of source you are citing. The MLA Handbook is often consulted for more detailed information and specific examples. Keep in mind that the guidelines may be updated, so it’s a good idea to refer to the latest edition of the MLA Handbook or the official MLA website for the most current information.


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Front page formatting

1. Title Page: The title page should include the title of the paper, the author’s name, and contact information (such as email address or telephone number). 2. Abstract: An abstract is a brief summary of your paper containing objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. 3. Content: The content of your paper should be well structured and include all the important information relevant to your topic. It should also have sub-headings to help readers find the information they are looking for. 4. Bibliography: A bibliography is a list of resources used to support your argument in your paper. Each source must be accurately listed according to the MLA format.

Text formatting

Also use a line spacing of 1.5. This will make your paper look neater and more professional. Also, use a writing style that is simple and clear. Don’t use a lot of complicated words or academic jargon. Use short, clear sentences to convey your ideas well. It makes reading less straining on the eyes and allows professors to make important comments in a neat and organized way. Also, make sure to indent the first line of the paragraph ½ inches from the left margin.
Course Name: _________________________ Course Code: _________________________ Academic Year: _______________________ Lecturer: _______________________
  • Full name
  • Name of teacher/professor
  • Name of course
  • Due date for assignment

Human memory is a complex process that involves various areas of the brain. The memory process consists of three main phases: recognition, storage and retrieval. In the recognition phase, new information enters the brain through sensory channels such as the eyes, ears and skin. The brain processes this information by classifying and organizing the information. In the storage phase, information that has been processed is stored in a network of neurons in the brain. This can be short term or long term memory. Short term memory usually fades after a few seconds or minutes. Long-term memory is more stable and can last for years. In the retrieval phase, people can remember information that has been stored in their brain by recalling or evoking their memories about it. This is done by making associations between old memories and current situations to help them remember something that has eluded them.

In-text citation

Example: “Happiness is the key to a meaningful life” (John F. Kennedy). However, if the author’s name is not found in the text, then you must add the author’s name at the end. For example: Smith, J. (2020). Book title. City: Publisher Name. You should also include the year of publication for each source, so readers can distinguish between the different citations. After that, you should write “and others” to indicate that there are more authors not named. For example: Smith, Johnson, Williams, and others. list of references and footnotes. List of References: Smith, John. “Title of Research Paper.” Journal Name, vol. X, no. Y, year Z, pages. Footnotes: 1. Smith, “Title of Research Paper”, p.

  • Quotations used in essays
  • The job quotes the page at the end


In-text citations must be written in quotation marks and accompanied by appropriate references. In-text quotes can also be used to emphasize important points or strengthen your argument. This is usually done using a short quote that comes from a recognized source. These citations must be accompanied by appropriate references, although quotation marks are not necessary. For example: “These words truly describe the current situation” (Smith, page 23).

Example: “Two roads diverged in wood, and I – I took the less traveled, and that has made all the difference” (Frost 1). Kenneth Burke describes humans as “symbol-using animals” (3).

However, if you want to emphasize Burke’s name, you could use a quote such as: “John Burke was one of the foremost leaders in this field.”

Works cited pages

  • Reference: When providing references in a Research paper In MLA style, you should inform the reader of the source you used to cite this information. Reference pages are known as “works cited.” This page is where the author gives credit to the source. The things that are placed in the citation include the alphabetical order of the author’s last name, article title and date of issue.
  • Follow this format exactly: Author(s)-> “Title of Article.” -> Title of Journal Volume. -> Issue (Year): pages
  • Electronic sources. For electronic sources, use the inventor’s name and page number or area number for in-substance reference. This is only if the information is missing page or section numbers by any means. At that time, you will include the author’s name in the section after you refer to the recorded information.