How to write a narrative essay

1. Choose a Topic: First, you have to choose a topic for your narrative essay. This could be a story about a personal experience, a fictional story, or a theme that you want to explore. Make sure that the topic you choose has enough information to write about and focuses on one particular aspect. 2. Develop Ideas: Once you have chosen a topic, start developing ideas for your narrative essay. Make a list of the key points you want to make and how they relate to each other. If necessary, create flowcharts to help better organize these ideas. 3. Outline: After getting some main ideas, create an outline for your narrative essay. Start with an interesting introduction that contains background information about the chosen topic. Then write down the gist of the story or theme that will be explained in the body of the essay and how each point connects to one another. End with a strong and to the point conclusion.

4. Write an Essay: Now it’s time to start writing! Use storytelling style to provide a visual image of what is going on in the story or the theme being talked about. Don’t forget to use detailed details to make the reader feel as if he or she was actually there right then and there! Narrative Example: I just returned from my trip to India last summer – a trip I will remember forever! I am so happy to have seen all the natural beauty of India and its own culture; but one of the best things about my trip was meeting young Indians in Delhi – they were so friendly and full of enthusiasm.

What is a narrative essay?

Narration can be used in many types of text, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays and more. Narratives can also be used to tell history or create social commentary. In narration, the author uses rich and descriptive language to build atmosphere and create convincing characters. The author also uses the storyline to follow the main character’s journey through various experiences. Narration usually has a specific purpose, such as conveying a certain message or theme to the reader. You must also ensure that the information submitted remains accurate and relevant.

Characteristics of narrative essays

Use active voice to increase clarity and avoid using long-winded words. Include examples or illustrations to help readers understand the topics discussed.

  • Non-fiction – written about events that really happened;
  • Written from the author’s point of view (first person);
  • Includes story elements, but written according to a basic structure;
  • Provides information in chronological order;
  • Using lots of detail to describe events, people, or scenes;
  • Seek to tell the reader something, not argue or teach.


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Tips for Choosing a Narrative Essay Topic

Relevance: Ensure the topic is relevant to your life and experiences. This will help you convey authenticity in your narrative.

Significance: Choose a topic with personal significance. Narrate a story that had a lasting impact on you or helped shape who you are today.

Emotional Connection: Opt for a topic that elicits emotions. This could include joy, sorrow, excitement, or introspection, making your narrative more engaging.

Vivid Details: A good topic allows you to incorporate vivid details and imagery. This helps paint a picture for your readers and enhances the overall storytelling experience.

Reflect on Themes: Consider common themes such as personal growth, resilience, or self-discovery. Choosing a topic that revolves around these themes can add depth to your narrative.

Remember, the key is to choose a topic that resonates with you personally and allows you to convey a meaningful and engaging story to your readers.

Narrative essay example

Title: A Lesson in Perseverance

Introduction: Life is full of challenges, and it’s often the unexpected hurdles that teach us the most valuable lessons. One such lesson came to me during a scorching summer day when I decided to attempt something I had never done before—hiking to the summit of Mount Inspiration.

Body Paragraphs: The day began with excitement and anticipation as I embarked on the trailhead with a group of friends. The sun beat down mercilessly as we navigated through the winding paths, surrounded by towering trees and the occasional rustle of wildlife. However, as we ascended, the trail became steeper, and the temperature soared.

In the midst of the climb, fatigue set in, and doubt whispered in my ear. “Should I turn back? Is reaching the summit worth this struggle?” The blistering sun seemed to mock my determination. Some of my friends decided to abandon the ascent, seeking refuge in the shade below.

But I pressed on, each step a testament to my resilience. As the trail grew steeper, I drew strength from the camaraderie of my fellow hikers who chose to persist. We encouraged one another, shared water, and celebrated small victories along the way.

The summit, shrouded in a haze of heat, became a distant goal. Yet, the struggle forged a bond among us, transforming the journey into more than just a physical climb. It became a metaphor for life’s challenges—daunting, exhausting, yet undeniably rewarding.

Conclusion: Reaching the summit of Mount Inspiration was not just an accomplishment; it was a lesson in perseverance. The struggle against the heat, the doubt, and the physical exhaustion mirrored the challenges we face in our lives. It taught me that the path to success is rarely easy, but the journey itself is invaluable.

As I stood on the summit, gazing at the breathtaking vista below, I realized that the struggle had made the view all the more beautiful. Life’s summits are not handed to us; they are earned through perseverance, determination, and the willingness to face challenges head-on.

Reflective Thought: In the grand tapestry of life, every step counts, even the most challenging ones. Mount Inspiration taught me that the journey is as important as the destination, and sometimes, the most profound lessons come from the most unexpected struggles.

This example illustrates a personal experience, the challenges faced, and the lessons learned, all woven into a narrative format. Remember, your own narrative essay should reflect your unique experiences and voice.